MBP - Luna Moth

Today we continue our celebration of National Moth Week with one of the most breathtaking moth species in the world, the Luna Moth (Actias luna).

When I was a nature-obsessed kid, the Luna Moth may have been the species I stared at in my Golden Guide more than any other. I'll never forget my long-awaited first, which wasn't until I moved to Maryland as an adult. Thankfully, they are widespread in Maryland and found in all 23 counties and Baltimore City. They prefer deciduous hardwood woodlands and use a variety of hardwoods as larval host plants. Adults do not feed and are ephemeral beauties with a mission to reproduce and continue their line.

If you want magical moths in the hardwoods, please minimize or eliminate your use of pesticides and encourage reduction in their use wherever you can. To become an instant biodiversity hero, get mosquito spraying canceled in your neighborhood. Plant oaks and native hardwoods vs. non-native ornamental trees. And please note that cocoons are concealed in leaf litter on the ground, so here's another great reason to leave the leaves - maintain wild and untidy areas of your yard if possible!

📸: (c) Richard Orr - Howard Co., Maryland (8/16/2013).

More at Maryland Biodiversity Project:


Publicado el 24 de julio de 2024 a las 07:25 PM por billhubick billhubick


Great post!

Anotado por scsurflady hace 2 meses

Thanks Bill. It's always a treat to follow you, your observations, and your comments.

Anotado por aperper hace 2 meses

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