Archivos de Diario para julio 2024

04 de julio de 2024

Cottongrasses in New England

The cottongrasses are a genus of flowering plants in the sedge family. There are six species of cottongrasses in New England, five of which are known to occur in all New England states. For more info about the cottongrasses in New England, see the following document:

The linked document contains identification tips, short descriptions, habitats, flowering phenology, and observation links for each of the species.

Publicado el 04 de julio de 2024 a las 07:23 PM por trscavo trscavo | 10 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de julio de 2024

Yellow-flowered stonecrops

I observed a yellow-flowered stonecrop at the edge of the Andrews Community Forest in Richmond, Vermont on 2024-07-12. It was at the trailhead but the patch was clearly growing wild. (Actually there were two distinct patches but I haven't posted the other observation yet.) In the field, I thought it might be something in genus Sedum but apparently plants in that genus have thick leaves, whereas this had flat (laminar) leaves.

Based on the iNaturalist taxonomy (which follows POWO), I now believe the observed plant is in genus Phedimus. However, authorities disagree on the taxonomy of yellow-flowered stonecrops. In particular, the genus Aizopsis is also recognized and in use. Within these genera, there are multiple taxa with no clear boundaries (at least I am unable distinguish taxa in this group).

After reviewing a handful of reliable sources, I've concluded that the observed plant is a member of Phedimus subgenus Aizoon but I can take it no further. My sources are recorded in the following document:

Hope this helps.

Publicado el 17 de julio de 2024 a las 01:15 PM por trscavo trscavo | 1 observación | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario