New Western Australian Isopogon changes

In January 2024, a new paper came out with some important changes in what are referred to as the Isopogon spathulatus and Isopogon polycephalus complexes. The paper is accessible here: Also noting two of the authors, @bmichanderson and @botanistbob, are on iNat, so congrats to them both!

To summarise the changes:

1 . Isopogon pallidus is newly described. This species was previously referred to as the phrase name Isopogon sp. Darling Range (F. Hort 1662).

2 . Isopogon elatus is newly described. This species was previously referred to as the phrase name Isopogon sp. Ravensthorpe (D.B. Foreman 1207).

3 . Two subspecies of Isopogon spathulatus were newly described, and thus of course Isopogon spathulathus subsp. spathulatus also now came into existence given there were no other subspecies before this paper. These are as follows:

i) Isopogon spathulatus subsp. elongatus is newly described. This was previously referred to as the phrase name Isopogon sp. Fitzgerald River (D.B. Foreman 813)

ii) Isopogon spathulatus subsp. obovatus. This was previously known as Isopogon buxifolius var. obovatus

The nominotypical subspecies, Isopogon spathulatus subsp. spathulatus, contains under it the synonyms Isopogon buxifolius var. spathulatus, Isopogon buxifolius var. linearis and the phrase name species Isopogon sp. Canning Reservoir (M.D. Tindale 121 & B.R. Maslin).

So notably here, we have three phrase name species that have now been formally described, and the circumscription of Isopogon buxifolius sensu strictu has been narrowed, and it's now recognised as quite a short range species.

The paper contains a fantastic key to species and subspecies of Western Australian Isopogon with entire, essentially flat leaves (both surfaces clearly visible). The key is as follows:

and here are some nice distribution maps from the paper:

I have already implemented all of these taxonomic changes in iNat, and all of the new species are now available. I'm going to go through observations relevant to the newly described stuff and add IDs where I can

fyi @margl @hillsflora @bushmonger @kelnat @boobook99 @nicklambert @gregtasney @possumpete @kezzza4
feel free to share and tag others

Publicado el 25 de febrero de 2024 a las 10:01 AM por thebeachcomber thebeachcomber


Awesome Thanks Thomas. Nice to here some enthusiasm about a new treatment too, I hear so many growns (some of them mine!) when it comes to keys and descriptions , non existence and availability to the masses...

Anotado por margl hace 7 meses

Well done to the taxonomists. It's so good to get these undescribed species sorted out.

Thanks for the iNat work Thomas.

Anotado por gregtasney hace 7 meses

I'm very Interested to see whether any photos of I. pallidus have been uploaded onto iNat, can't say I've seen any yet. Good to know there's a few more species to look out for when identifying Isopogons.

Anotado por hillsflora hace 7 meses

Thanks so much, this is great info.

Anotado por kelnat hace 7 meses

Thank you for the information :)

Anotado por kezzza4 hace 7 meses

Thanks for that update Thomas

Anotado por devito hace 7 meses

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