11 de diciembre de 2017

why Magnoliopsida??

At first, I chose Magnoliopsida because I personally like flowering plant and I grow a lot of them in my backyard. When I do some research and go out observing. I learn that invasive flowering is very scary and that they aren't just only just pretty. These experience of going on a tripe an observing nature help me learn that I should not judge thing form only the outside, but look deeper into the inside and see the way that everything is related to one another. Such as the entropy of the ecology system that has a different way to keep the structure in order but when introduced a new factor such as invasive species, those structures will fluctuate and try it best to balances out. However, there may be a limit to what it could take, as result in the loss of diversity in some area. Human is one of the factors that bring the entropy up. w can fix it by spreading the knowledge that we learn and inform other than this problem could affect us in the long run, example, global warming.


Publicado el 11 de diciembre de 2017 a las 08:37 PM por miratree miratree | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Example and case study

According to the article, the effects of species diversity on ecosystem function, there are many toxic invasion that grown their roots into the soil and gets all the nutrients and water, and these are one the way they use to invade the space of the native plants. They found that species-independent complementarity effect was the main contributor to the diversity effect on native plant cover, which increased as species richness in polycultures increased. Some examples, Conflicting Management Goals: Manatees and Invasive Competitors Inhibit Restoration of a Native Macrophyte, the author explains about how dangerous the invasive species can be, they stated that we have bee lose native species since 1980.


Publicado el 11 de diciembre de 2017 a las 08:16 PM por miratree miratree | 11 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Reproduction of Magnoliopsida

One of the thing that I saw when observing was that there are a lot of pollinators such as bee, hummingbird, and butterfly. Unfortunately, I was not fast enough to snap a picture of them, the only thing that I got was dragonfly some spider that was sitting on the flowers. SIDALC stated that Magnoliopsida could reproduce by using pollinator or/and wind or ran. They conducted a neighborhood study and found that the flowering plant spread out pretty quickly and they came up with a way to treating it (1991). Just like the neighboring study, LA River's plant ecology also facing big crises of having many invasive species and if we don't do anything about this our native plant will surely to disappear form our ecology.


Publicado el 11 de diciembre de 2017 a las 07:51 PM por miratree miratree | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Personal specialty project from bio 10B

From observing all the plant alongside the LA river, I found that many of them are decorating flowering plants, Magnoliopsida. Especially in the Arroyo Seco area, I found around 5 to 6 flowering plants that grow there but belong to a foreign country.
As well as along side of the LA River, we found at least more than 3 Magnoliopsida. Most of them are an invasive species that people planted in their garden and got wash away when they watering their plant. Most of them ended up in the LA River.
According to the articles, Biology, and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive, they study a specific invasive species of Magnoliopsida. Those species according to the article Apparent competition with an invasive plant hastens the extinction of an endangered lupine, the invasive plant will complete will the native and result in the imbalance of the ecology system.


Publicado el 11 de diciembre de 2017 a las 07:34 PM por miratree miratree | 12 observaciones | 15 comentarios | Deja un comentario
